Strength and Flexibility

Yoga is the science of wellbeing.  It makes you more physically fit as well as more mentally and emotionally balanced.  It’s a great way to strengthen the body, increase flexibility, improve posture and release the stresses of the day by calming your mind.  Lack of flexibility is probably one of the best reasons to start…

Free Yoga Videos

With the help of 5 minute yoga videos courtesy of the BBC you can learn a full yoga routine to become stronger and more flexible.


By practising progressively letting go of tension in the body and mind you learn to access a deep inner peace which in the long-term ultimately raises your general state of happiness…

The Mind

Intangible, creative, calculating and imaginative, the mind is . made up of thoughts, feelings, ideas, reasoning, awareness, perception, concepts and memories…

Yoga Means…

Yoga originates from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ meaning union. Yoga is a way of being harmonious and integrates: yoga philosophy, breathing techniques, relaxation, physical yoga movements, health, nutrition, morality…


Proper breathing techniques cultivate and control the energy within us. Controlled, measured breathing exercises restore and maintain health and vitality…


Of the eight limbs of yoga, the first two pillars of Yama and Niyama lay down a code of morality or “right living” through practising positive attitudes, actions and discipline…

6000 Years

Yoga is the science of wellbeing and is considered to be about 6000 years old according to Professor Friedrich Max Mueller who lived over 100 years ago…


Pectoral muscles across the chest contract to make the arms close in together and then the biceps form the hug by contracting to make the arms bend at the elbow…